Sunday 24 December 2006

Week 3 - Christmas gets in the way....

Ummmm.... Ok.... so I'm not quite at my weight loss target - I'm 1lb off where I had hoped to be. Probably been overloading on the mince pies since week 2. I have lost another 3 lbs though, which brings me to 6 in total so far on the Trail programme.

I've been out running again a couple of times and am gob-smacked at how quickly it gets easier. I reckon all that taking the stairs is really paying off as my knees are a whole lot stronger already. By the third run, I was able to run for a full 30 minutes with only very minor stops when crossing roads ect. My pulse was also much more steady around the 150-160 mark (a big gain on the first time when my heart rate was much more volatile and maxed up to 190!). I've clearly still got a way to go, but it's a promising start.

With hindsight, I was probably a bit unrealistic thinking that I would be able to loose so much in the run up to Christmas.

Still, can't complain!

Here's the link to my video blog at week 3:

Top Tip of the Week: Join forces with others! I've found that going running with colleagues in my lunch hour increases my motivation in three key ways: 1. you're more likely to acctually get out there and do it if someone else is going too; 2. you feel like an utter pratt if you keep stopping all the time so you'll go for longer as a group; 3. It'll up your concentration levels no end in the afternoon if you can slip it into a lunch break (and I bet the last thing on earth you want to do when you get home after a long working day is don the trainers and head off round the block!)

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