Saturday 30 December 2006

Week 4 - Loughrigg Fell

Oooh oooh ooooh - Nearly the New Year!!!

Soo, I haven't lost any more weight. I think my goal planning was rather ambitous not to give any allowance for Christmas and New Year, particluarly since I'm in the Lakes for a week with my family, which inevitably means booze and big dinners.

Still, it's fabulous out here and almost impossible to resist the lure of the hills. Here's the link to the update vid at week 4:

And here I am with Dan (my Lover) at the top of Loughrigg:

Tip of the Week:
Get motivated! If you're either trying to get round to re-starting your weight loss or are about to embark on a new mission, whatever you do, don't go it alone. Tell people what you're up to (they will chivy you on and will remember to remark on how great you look in a couple of weeks), join a walking group if you're new to the hills and also read lots of inspiring stuff - there's an abundance out there. Starting, of course, with the ever-trusty TRAIL magazine. This month kick-starts the Fitness Academy programme and will be full to the gills with great tips and tricks as well as photos, features and fantastic walk routes! Best of luck to you all!

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