Wednesday 28 March 2007

Ok, time to fess up....

Right, well, the reason for my long silence before yesterday's Alpine excitement is that I basically had a week that can only be described as shamefully lazy and beerful.

I was in an utter stomp at not having lost a single pound and, in fact, having put a couple on after my mammoth efforts on the running and climbing fronts the week before. Humph!

Still, all it took was a weekend sorting out my garden to get me back into form and some very encouraging words from forum members on my favourite sites: Trail and the Fell Runner Association.

So, I've decided that I'm focusing on the wrong things here. I've locked my scales in a cupboard and will resist those utterly demoralising monsters for now. Instead, I'm going to focus on building up my fitness and concentrate on more relevant goals like my resting heart rate. I'm also going to work harder on my running and climbing - the things that really keep me in shape for mountain exploits.

So, I ran 2.5 miles on Monday night and 3 last night. I'm horrified at how quickly I've lost some of my form and am resolute to get back to being able to do 5 miles in an hour as quickly as possible.

Tonight is climbing night so fingers crossed I won't have gone too far back on that in the two weeks since I last went.

Moral of the story - when you feel demoralised, maybe it's because you're setting the wrong goals. Have a think about what your REAL motivation is and re-align your goals accordingly.

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